Congratulations to Ailingchuang for standing out in the municipal innovation and entrepreneurship competition and being nominated for the provincial finals

On July 24th, the final of the Jinhua District of the 2020 "Maker China" Zhejiang Good Project Small and Medium sized Enterprise Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition was held at the City Guomao Hotel.

This competition is hosted by the Jinhua Economic and Information Technology Bureau and Jinhua Finance Bureau, organized by the Jinhua Enterprise Service Comprehensive Platform (Jinhua Small and Medium sized Enterprise Public Service Platform), and co organized by the Jinhua Municipal People's Government Financial Work Office, the Communist Youth League Jinhua Municipal Committee, the Economic and Information (Commercial) Bureaus of each county (city, district), the Small and Medium sized Enterprise Public Service (Industrial Cluster) Platform of each county (city, district), and the Jinhua Radio and Television General Station New Media Center.
In this competition, Mr. Sun Xile, Vice President of Technology of Zhejiang Ailingchuang Mining Technology Co., Ltd., represented the company in the competition. This Zhejiang Good Project Small and Medium sized Enterprise Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, a total of 28 projects have entered the finals. After a 7-hour roadshow and defense, the participating teams compete on the same stage, showcasing their strengths, and competing for the provincial finals with passion and dreams of innovation and entrepreneurship. In the end, Ailingchuang successfully entered the provincial finals with its large-scale high-performance mesh free ultrafine Ai sand mill project and won the "Winning Award" in the competition!

The award of Ailingchuang not only reflects the broad development space in the field of the "Large High Performance Sieve Free Ultrafine Ai Sand Mill Project", but also proves the strong innovation strength and recognition of the company by the judges.
In the future, Ailingchuang will always closely link customer needs with the business development of the enterprise, and respond to various challenges with solid technology and services, making mineral processing simpler and more efficient!

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