Melting Team Solidifies Dreams and Jointly Create Dreams 2022

In order to adjust the work status, create a passionate and responsible work atmosphere, so that everyone can better participate in the next work. The company has organized a team building activity called "Melting Teams, Consolidating Dreams, and Jointly Creating Dreams 2022", aiming to enrich employees' leisure lives, further strengthen team cohesion, and enhance the unity and cooperation strength of the team.

On the morning of September 26th, all employees of the company arrived at Pujiang Fish Bubble Park, and the event officially kicked off in an ice breaking game. Through a series of exciting activities such as building a tower together, sharing corporate culture, real-life CS, Rubik's Cube matrix, and rock climbing, employees fully unleashed their teamwork spirit, fearless of difficulties, and successfully completed one activity after another.
Guo Dong combined his different experiences at each stage to share the message of 'never forget the original intention and always remember the mission'.

I hope all employees can stand on their positions, forge ahead, and strive to make new and greater contributions to the construction and development of the enterprise.
This team building activity has strengthened communication and collaboration among employees, and also made everyone deeply realize that a person's strength is limited, a team's strength is indestructible, and the victory of the team requires the joint efforts of every member of us.
As the saying goes, a single thread does not make a thread, and a single tree does not make a forest! The same piece of iron can be sawn and melted, or refined into steel; The same team can be mediocre or achieve great success. There are various roles in a team, and everyone needs to find their own position. Therefore, there is no perfect individual, only a perfect team.

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