Winning 2023, Writing an Innovative Chapter for Ailing

On the morning of January 14, 2023, the annual meeting of Zhejiang Ailingchuang Mining Technology Co., Ltd. "Winning the Battle 2023 and Writing an Innovation Chapter for Ailingchuang" officially kicked off. This annual meeting arranged a series of activities such as the 2023 Victory Campaign Mobilization Conference, National Studies Lecture Hall, Commendation Conference, and Tailing Feast. All employees participate in this conference.

At the opening of the conference, Mr. Guo Guirong, the chairman, delivered a speech to all employees, in which he stated that looking back on our work over the past year, we have had both difficulties and setbacks. 2023 is a crucial year for us to create our dreams and set sail. We will surely overcome difficulties, forge ahead, unite and collaborate, innovate boldly, and create a brilliant career together in 2023!

At the 2023 Mobilization Conference, Professor Xu Jinggang, Chief Enterprise Manager of Ailingchuang, gave a theme mobilization of "enhancing confidence and sense of responsibility".
The founder of Jinhua Rose Academy, Teacher Nature, through on-site experience, has relaxed everyone's body and mind, and also made everyone understand that everything needs to be done with a good attitude, firm belief, and strive towards the goal. Belief determines success or failure.
Teacher Shen, a master of traditional Chinese culture, further elevated everyone's understanding of traditional Chinese culture by telling about the rich connotations of traditional Chinese culture through three aspects: etiquette, spiritual cultivation, and proper behavior. We will surely overcome difficulties, forge ahead, unite and collaborate, innovate boldly, and create a brilliant career in 2023 together!

The tail tooth banquet opened in the rabbit dance, and then in Guo Dong's toast, all Ailing creators raised their glasses together to celebrate the new year and wish Ailing a better tomorrow.
At this annual meeting, employees of Ailingchuang created and performed a variety of cultural and artistic programs, and the exciting lottery event brought the entire party to a climax. Each center is filled with talented and versatile individuals, showcasing their talents on stage to the fullest, and the audience applauded.
The party reached its climax with the singing of 'Love One Family'. Looking back on the past, grasping the present, and looking forward to the future. We have always believed that under the leadership of Guo Dong, whether it is yesterday, today, or tomorrow, they will take us to find a better tomorrow!

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