Grinding fineness, tailings grade, electricity consumption, ball consumption, spare parts
Two stage ball milling -325 mesh 95% 1.55g/t43.08 degrees/t8.58 yuan/t4.54 yuan/t
Ai Sha Grinder -400 mesh 98% 1.04g/t53.41 degrees Celsius/t6.3 yuan/t7.09 yuan/t
According to the gold price of 275 yuan/gram and electricity fee of 0.55 yuan/kWh, the comprehensive benefit has been increased to 133 yuan/ton of gold concentrate; Based on the annual processing capacity of 262800 tons of gold concentrate by the production unit, the use of the Ai sand mill can create a benefit of 3.5 million yuan/year for the enterprise, and it is expected to recover the equipment investment cost within 5 months.
Replace the process of grinding coarse concentrate with the first and second stage ball mills.
Calculation of Economic Benefits of Sand Mill Operation in Liaoning Xindu Gold
ALC Mill