
Branch Construction

Branch Construction

[Party Day Activity] Ailingchuang Mining Party Branch Conducts the "March 8th" International Women's Day condolence activity

In order to further enrich the organizational life of the Party branch and demonstrate…
Branch Construction

Party building leads a happy and peaceful Yuanxiao (Filled round balls made of glutinous rice-flour for Lantern Festival)

In order to further promote the traditional Chinese culture and actively cultivate and practice…
Branch Construction

[Enterprise Party Building] Work in Practice, Walk at the forefront, bravely stand at the forefront

In order to conscientiously implement the spirit of the 15th Provincial Party Congress, vigorously…
Branch Construction

Give full play to the leading role of party building to promote high-quality development of enterprises

On the morning of July 20, 2022, under the guidance and support of the…