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Sunshine Journey Fun Hiking

Hiking is actually a deep journey, but also a spiritual journey. Touching the purest…
Company News

Participate in fire drills and build a secure "firewall" - Ailingchuang conducts fire safety drills

In order to further enhance the fire safety awareness and self-protection and self rescue…
Company News

Winning 2023, Writing an Innovative Chapter for Ailing

On the morning of January 14, 2023, the annual meeting of Zhejiang Ailingchuang Mining…
Company News

Melting Team Solidifies Dreams and Jointly Create Dreams 2022

In order to adjust the work status, create a passionate and responsible work atmosphere,…
Company News

Our company won the winning award in the 7th "Maker China" Jinhua Division Finals

On July 27th, the final of the 7th "Maker China" and "Zhejiang Good Project"…
Company News

Congratulations on the successful start of the renovation and construction ceremony of Ailingchuang Mining Office Building

On July 8, 2022, on this auspicious day, the renovation and commencement ceremony of…